With winter upon us, and the after-effects of daylight savings, many of us are finding a lack of sunshine in our lives.  We head to work in the dark and head home in the dark. Unless we are gifted with a beautiful day where we want to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, we are lacking a main source of how we absorb Vitamin D, through sunlight (UV Rays).

With winter upon us, and the after-effects of daylight savings, many of us are finding a lack of sunshine in our lives.  We head to work in the dark and head home in the dark. Unless we are gifted with a beautiful day where we want to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, we are lacking a main source of how we absorb Vitamin D, through sunlight (UV Rays).

Benefits of Vitamin D: Boosts immune function, reduces inflammation, helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, assists with cell growth, and maintains muscle and nerve function.  As you can see, Vitamin D does a lot of great things for our body! On the other hand, lack of Vitamin D (Deficiency) can cause health problems (tiredness, aches and pains, lack of energy, difficulty fighting infections – to name a few).  

This is why Vitamin D is Important!!!

Our bodies can absorb Vitamin D three ways: Through sunlight (UV exposure), foods we eat, and supplementation. So if you’re not getting enough sun exposure this winter, try adding more Vitamin D rich foods into your diet (i.e., Salmon or Swordfish), or start supplementing with Vitamin D3 preferably (The Liquid drops are my FAVOURITE, quick and tasty). I always recommend checking out your local Health Food Store, and speaking with a professional regarding recommended dosage. 

— Dr. Rachel Ramsey