I LOVE discussing a wellness lifestyle.  This kind of lifestyle cultivates a heightened state of wellbeing and performance and the ultimate expression of who you are … BUT I know for many, back pain is why you sought us out and our clinic excels at this condition that affects so many.  My article this month is dedicated to this condition.

I LOVE discussing a wellness lifestyle.  This kind of lifestyle cultivates a heightened state of wellbeing and performance and the ultimate expression of who you are … BUT I know for many, back pain is why you sought us out and our clinic excels at this condition that affects so many.  My article this month is dedicated to this condition.

1. Back pain is a culmination of many life experiences.  

Yes, sometimes we have a very significant accident or incident that creates an intense episode of back pain. We have had patients that have fallen off roofs, thought wakeboarding for the first time at 70 was a good idea and someone who even got hit on her head by a bucket truck … by her husband (they are still married).  Stuff happens and it is awful … and it will sometimes result in an intense episode of back pain. We can help.  

The VAST majority of the time; however, it is a result of something as benign as bending forward to put on your socks or brushing your teeth.  When back pain shows up like this, recognize that it isn’t usually just what you did the moment preceding the incident. Usually there is a tipping point that occurred and your body simply cannot compensate any further.  In other words, it can’t ‘manage’ the imbalance or underlying dysfunction that has existed (usually for some time) and NOW … for whatever reason, the tipping point has been reached and your symptoms are intense.

2. Be introspective.

Your giant episode of back pain didn’t come out of nowhere.  IF you bent over and brushed your teeth and you heard a pop and couldn’t get up off the floor, listen up.  20 years in chiropractic and I can tell you this … there were clues that your body wasn’t functioning 100%. 

  • Have you often waked up with back stiffness (and you find yourself minimizing the meaning of it because it goes away after your shower)?
  • Do you occasionally get incidents like this (1-2 times per year), but you were able to manage them with 6 Advil and it ‘only’ lasted 24-48 hours?
  • Have you found yourself saying “it runs in my family” and so you’ve conditioned yourself to ignore the reality that your lifestyle is likely contributing to your body’s inability to keep balanced? 

Chances are your body has been trying to indicate this struggle to you for years, but you have ignored it to some degree.  AND now, it has no choice but to increase the volume of the symptoms.

3. Don’t be angry at the pain.  

I’ve had back pain before and I KNOW it hurts … a lot. Believe me; I’m not ignorant of the fact that pain is PAINFUL.  It can be debilitating and awful.  

Here’s the thing.  Pain is your body’s message. It speaks to you kind of like a baby would … crying is their form of communication.  Pain is a form of communication and as long as your body is ‘speaking’ to you, you have something to listen to. My advice is, don’t shut that communication down. 

Pain relievers are enticing, but they are also dangerous. Not only do most OTC (and prescription) pain killers stress and harm your kidneys and liver, many often add to further wear ‘n tear and degradation of the cartilage on your joint surfaces.  There is a cost (short and long term) to using those little round gems.  

Besides, when you medicate to get through your day you are shutting down your body’s communication. How is it then able to let you know when your activities are too much or your stress levels are too high?

A Better Strategy:   When healing back pain, try these strategies:

  • Get adjusted by your chiropractor. Back pain involves a lot of pain, spasm and inflammation in muscles, but it always correlates back to a nerve dysfunction. We can do an in-depth analysis and determine whether our care can address the issue and get you on the path to healing.
  • Ice (Use a gel ice pack & apply for 20-25 min, 2-3 times per day)
  • Gentle stretching and movement: both on your own and with the help of a Registered Massage Therapist. (Amber works Tues/Thurs and alternating Sat/Sun)
  • Super hydration (2-3 L of water per day)
  • Traumacare (homeopathic) cream and homeopathic arnica in pellet form (Use 2 pellets of 200CH, several times per day)
  • Use Curcumin supplement. Studies show that this natural and potent anti-inflammatory is supportive of healing injured tissue and inflammatory conditions without compromising liver or kidney function.
  • Apply essential oils such as Pan Away, Deep Relief roll-on and Lavender. These approaches have a true healing component to them and won’t shut down your body’s natural healing process.
  1. Function is KEY.

Pain is one form of messaging, but function will trump the symptom of pain every time. Not every part of your body has the ability to sense pain (or the sensation of pain is minimal) which is why pain isn’t always a good indicator of your health.

When you have an episode of back pain (or when you want to simply be at your best), focus on function. We know that a lack of proper function leads to dysfunction which leads to symptoms and eventual increasing disability over time … like back pain.  This is why we measure function whenever you come to our office. It starts with a full evaluation of your spine and an assessment of your underlying nervous system using the most advanced diagnostic testing.  

Here’s Our Approach. We measure function by spine and nervous system analysis using:

  • Heart Rate Variability
  • Surface Electromyography
  • Infrared Thermography
  • Orthopedic & Neurologic Testing
  • Spinal Range of Motion and Postural Assessment

The bottom line:  Life is way too precious to be missing out on the full spectrum of your life experience.  This is how we truly feel. Give yourself the gift of feeling amazing by having your spine and nervous system checked and adjusted on an ongoing basis.  Incorporate a movement plan and ongoing exercise program that supports the balance and wellbeing of your spine. Take care of yourself even when you feel well – we often are unaware of what our bodies are managing until we lie down on an adjusting or massage therapy table. 

Lastly, it’s so helpful to appreciate just how dynamic you truly are.  Even if you’ve been a wellness based practice member for a long period of time, there will be times when you may need to step up your frequency.  Things change. You change. Stress happens. The best approach is the one that factors in the support and growth of you and your lifestyle on an ongoing basis. ☺

— Dr. Laura Foster | www.soulinspiredgurl.com