Finding Joy in a Chaotic World

Finding Joy in a Chaotic World

  With everything 2020 has thrown at us, you may feel like everything has gone a bit (make that a lot!) sideways. And in many ways it has. But this year has also turned out to be more about appreciating what we have instead of wanting for more… hasn’t it? While...
Set Yourself Up for Sleep Success

Set Yourself Up for Sleep Success

Tossing and turning? Watching the hours crawl by? Even one night of poor sleep can make you an exhausted, irritable, sugar-craving beast the next day. We all have the odd sleepless night, but if sleep loss goes on long enough more serious problems like hormone...

Doing Your Best

What exactly does it mean to do your best?  This can become a rather difficult question to answer if you consider the notion that your best varies depending on your current state of being. With winter upon us, and the after-effects of daylight savings, many of us...

Embrace change

Ever feel stuck? I have.  It sucks.   I am currently reading Deepak Chopra’s revised edition of “Quantum Healing”. In it, he talks about how if you could truly see your body as it really is, you would never see it the same way twice.  Deepak goes...